Working part time means different things to different people. For some it is the ultimate work-life balance and allows more free time. However, for working mothers “part time” refers to “the part of your life that you get paid for” and for some this implies that the rest of the time you are ... [View Post]
What are the best part time hours?
I have been asked this question a lot by colleagues as well as friends who are pregnant or are thinking about returning to work after maternity leave. You probably already know my answer to this: whatever works best for you and the organisation you work for. My tips to get what you want and ... [View Post]
Performance Appraisals
Used properly, performance appraisals can help to build an open, positive, collaborative relationship between individuals and their managers. They provide a useful environment to give feedback about what has gone well or what could be improved. They are also moments in time where you can look ... [View Post]
Resolving conflict in the workplace
It is a truth universally acknowledged that wherever a group of people are required to work together, there will inevitably be differences of opinion. In most cases these will simply be good-natured and will have no impact on the effectiveness and strength of the wider team or on the morale of the ... [View Post]
Top tips to stop procrastinating
Procrastination, deferring or avoiding taking action or doing a task, affects everyone to some degree or another. It can be a hard habit to break. You may recognise the feeling that you are drifting away from the task at hand or constantly looking at your inbox wanting an email to come in to give ... [View Post]