This week marks Volunteers' Week in the UK, an annual event celebrating the impact volunteers make in our communities every day. Each of us has the power to do something extraordinary, sharing our skills, time and experience for the benefit of others. And whilst we can certainly make a real ... [View Post]
It’s OK to be ‘good enough’
As inherently sociable animals, most of us take at least some of our feelings of self-worth from how others feel about us. Being liked and accepted is something almost everyone seeks, whether they admit it or not, so in this article I’m going to focus on how we can make things a bit easier on ... [View Post]
Have you thought about childcare?
Many of us are married to professionals whose jobs aren’t necessarily 9-5 so we need to consider where and with whom the childcare responsibilities will lie? Which of you will do the majority of the childcare and what will the division of childcare be - will it be equal? Will you be returning ... [View Post]
Working parents – what are the solutions?
So, the debate of working parents continues. We seem to go round and round discussing whether women should job share, should they be working full time or part time, how best to cover the hours required without burdening the rest of the team. Some blog commentators clearly feel that working ... [View Post]
What to consider when working part time
After I had my children, I decided to return to work part time doing four mornings from 7am until 1pm so I could carry on with the stud work I was good at and loved doing. Doing these hours meant I could be useful for the practice, continue investing in my career and still be with the children ... [View Post]