Do you voice your opinions or remain silent? Do you say yes to additional work even when your plate is full? Are you quick to judge or blame? Do people seem to dread or fear talking to you? Many of my clients come to me for coaching with one of their goals to become more assertive. I ... [View Post]
How do you respond to conflict?
"Peace is not the absence of conflict, but the ability to cope with it." Dorothy Thomas, US Human rights activist (1960 - ) I really like this definition of 'peace' as applied to the workplace - inevitably in any busy, stressful environment there will be a clash of approach from all the differing ... [View Post]
Bullying at work
Clearly a difficult and sensitive area, tackling bullying and harassment in the workplace is made more complex by the fact that it is not always easy to identify or define - one person's 'bullying' can be another's 'firm management'. Ultimately, the label 'bullying' can be correctly applied to any ... [View Post]
Giving Effective Feedback
Many years ago I was told that the secret to giving effective feedback was to ‘sandwich’ the areas where improvement may be required between the more positive stuff – an old-school coaching technique ably demonstrated by the lifestyle gurus at FOX’s ‘Family Guy’: Stewie: Now, I’m going to do ... [View Post]
Engaging your workforce
Your workforce is the most important resource that your business has; ensuring your team is engaged in their work is key to the success of your business. Engaged employees bring greater productivity to their work and feel more personally and professionally fulfilled. If the values of the team are ... [View Post]